Breaking Barriers

Last year, 51.5% of all of our placements were female.

In an industry where female representation has historically lagged behind, creating diversity within the workplace is a key aspect of our mission. We are setting a precedent for the Transport and Energy legal industry as a whole.

As a female-owned business, we are committed to empowering women within the legal transport and energy space. We understand the unique barriers that women face within male-dominated industries, and we are dedicated to providing opportunities to all, regardless of gender identity.

And it’s not just us! The proportion of women in law firms has steadily increased, reaching 53% in 2023. However, the seniority gap persists, with 32% of full-equity partners and 47% of salaried partners being women. We recognise the importance of continuing to address these disparities and actively working towards closing the gender gap at all levels of leadership.

With 62% of solicitors being women, there is still progress to be made, and we are paving the way for a future for equality in the workspace.